2011 FHP Projects
Restoring Whitebark Pine – One Project at a Time
Title | Location | Contact |
Rodent Abundance in WBP Stands and Rodent Predation and Dispersal of Seed | Gallatin and Okanogan-Wenatchee NFs | Teresa Lorenz |
Natural Regeneration and Pre-Planting Surveys in the Purdy Fire Area | Shoshone NF, Wind River RD | Ellen Jungck |
Interagency WBP Monitoring Project for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem | Beaverhead-Deerlodge, Bridger-Teton, Custer, Caribou-Targhee, Gallatin, Shoshone NFs, Grand Teton and Yellowstone NP | Cathie Jean |
Locating, Identifying & Mapping High Resistant Blister Rust WBP in the Centennial Range | Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Dubois and Island Park Ranger Districts | Richard L. Roberson |
Cache Creek Whitebark Pine Restoration | Boise National Forest | Pete Wier |
Caging and Cone Collection | Bitterroot National Forest-Central Montana & Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest | Sasha Sulia |
Assessing WBP Successional Dynamics & Regeneration following Disturbance | Wenatchee‐Okanogan National Forest | Dr. Cara Nelson |
WBP Forest Inventory for BLM-administered Land in Wyoming & Montana | Dillon Field Office, Montana BLM, Kemmerer Field Office, Wyoming BLM | Dana L. Perkins |
Inoculation of WBP Seeds with Spores of Native Ectomycorrhizal Fungi | Montana State University | Dr. Cathy L. Cripps |
Craddock Peak Cone Collection | Idaho Panhandle National Forest, St. Joe Ranger District (Avery, Idaho) | Sidnee Dittman |
Broadaxe Plant | Idaho Panhandle National Forest, St. Joe Ranger District (Avery, Idaho) | Sidnee Dittman |
Re-measure WBP Perm Plots in Burns | Selkirk Mountains, Idaho Panhandle National Forest | Pat Behrens |
GYA-wide Database of Planted Whitebark Pine Seedlings, Survivorship Rates & Site Characteristics | Caribou-Targhee NF, Bridger-Teton NF, Shoshone NF | Nancy Bockino |
Demographics of WBP Recruitment Populations in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem | Gallatin Range, Montana (GYE) | Erin Shanahan |
Whitebark Rust Validation & Monitoring in Field Planting | Deschutes National Forest, Central Oregon | Chris Jensen |
Expand Whitebark Pine Inventory, Monitoring, Genetic Conservation, &Restoration Work in R6 | Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR), Yakima Nation, Colville Confederated Tribes, Southern Central British Columbia, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest | Therese Ohlson |
Sow Whitebark Pine Seedlings for Grouse Mtn Restoration Project | Buffalo Ranger District, Bridger-Teton National Forest | Karl Buermeyer |
Barker Lake Thin Study: Reducing competing vegetation to promote PIAL | Barker Lake area, Pintler Ranger District, Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest | Rob Gump |