2011 GYA-wide Database of Planted WBP Seedlings, Survivorship Rates & Site Characteristics
Project: GYA-wide Database of Planted Whitebark Pine Seedlings, Survivorship Rates and Site Characteristics
Attachments: GYA_Bockino_2011_Database Progress Report
Agency/Forest or Park/District: Caribou-Targhee NF, Bridger-Teton NF, Shoshone NF
Project coordinator: Nancy Bockino
Contact: Nancy Bockino, Ecologist, Grand Teton National Park, Moose, WY 83012, 307.739-3489, Nancy_Bockino@nps.gov
GYCC Whitebark Subcommittee Members
Source of funding /amount
FHP: $2,100 and $2,100 from USDA Forest Service Region 4.
Supplemental funding: $2,520 from Grand Teton National Park
Dates of restoration efforts
April-December 2011
- To compile a database and GIS layer of the locations, date, and survival rates of planted whitebark pine seedlings in the GYA to update existing database (Izlar 2007).
- Where data is available, to identify site characteristics related to survivorship.
Acres/ha treated N/A
To update work by Izlar (2007), we would use USFS activities tracking database (FACTS) to obtain survival and planting information. In addition, we would communicate with individual units about their planting projects. This database could be converted to a spatial layer to be shared or posted to a website.
Planting? If so, source of seedlings? Resistance? No
D.K. Izlar’s thesis contributed greatly to this data base.
Deborah Kay Izlar. 2007. Assessment of whitebark pine seedling survival for Rocky Mountain plantings. M.S. Thesis. The University of Montana, Missoula, MT