2009 FHP Projects
Restoring Whitebark Pine – One Project at a Time
Title | Location | Contact |
Sow & Grow Seed for Lolo National Forest | Plains/Thompson Falls RD, Lolo NF, Sanders County, MT | Valerie Walker |
Inoculation of WBP with Native Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Nursery | Montana State University Plant Growth Center | Cathy L. Cripps |
Greenwood/Tepee WBP Release | Plains/Thompson Falls RD, Lolo NF, Sanders County, MT | Valerie Walker |
Cache Whitebark Pine Data Collection | Boise National Forest, Lowman Ranger District | Pete Wier |
Range-wide Genetic Variation in Stomata Characters & their Association with Blister Rust Resistance in WBP | Dorena Genetic Resource Center, Cottage Grove, OR | Jerry Hill |
Simmons Peak Whitebark Pine Cone Collection | Idaho Panhandle National Forest, St. Joe Ranger District (Avery, Idaho) | Sidnee Dittman |