2015 Cache Creek Whitebark Pine Restoration
General Project Information
Project Title: Cache Creek Whitebark Pine Restoration
Project Dates: 2015
Year project implementation started: 2012
How many more years is this project expected to continue, if any? None
Project Contact: (Please provide complete information for primary contact(s), e.g., name, position, phone number, email, agency name, unit/sub-unit)
Keith Wilson, keithwilson@fs.fed.us, (208) 382-7431
Location (Land management agency or ownership and name of geographic area(s) where project was implemented. This information should be specific enough to identify a general project location on a map but not specific enough to compromise the project.)
USDA Forest Service, Lowman Ranger District, Idaho
Cooperators: (List cooperating agencies and sub-units, other companies/organizations, and individuals as needed.)
Project Funding
Funding Sources (amount FHP/amount other incl. in-kind)
Forest Health Protection funding $30,100
Other funding $ 1,270
Total $31,370
Did Whitebark Restoration funding get used or obligated? (If not, please explain.) Yes
Project Details
Scope and/or Size of Project or Treated Area: (Include a short description of the project or treatment area if helpful in understanding the scope of the project.)
Number of Acres or Other Units Treated, Monitored, or Surveyed: 54 acres
Specific location of project or treated area(s): (If desired, add more specific project location information here, e.g., UTMs, Lat-long, specific landmark. Otherwise, indicate if more information is available by request.)
Objective(s) (from original request):
Planting: (Please answer the following questions if the project includes plantings or cone collections.)
Number of seedlings planted (List by location if applicable): N/A
Was the seed source screened for resistance? (If other, explain.)
Were Plus trees used?
Girdled and pruned all non-WBP 14”-20” DBH.
Project Status (Is the project complete? If not, what remains to be accomplished and when?
Project implemented and completed.
Will outcome meet objectives?
Contract completed the project that began implementation in 2012.
Project Follow-Up
Are there plans for monitoring or follow-up? (If not, please explain.)
Project will be monitored through a series of post implementation photos.
Changes Needed or Problems Encountered: None