2014 Operational Collection North West Peak Genetically Diverse WBP

Project:  Operational Collection North West Peak Genetically Diverse WBP

Agency/Forest or Park/District:  Kootenai National Forest, Three Rivers Ranger District, Montana

Project coordinator:  Mike Giesey, USFS

Contact:  Mike Giesey; 406-283-7630; mgiesey@fs.fed.us


Source of funding/amount FHP:  $7,050 in WBP funding was received; $5,320 was contributed by USFS in-kind services, YCC crew services, and from volunteers.

Dates of restoration efforts:  July – September 2014

Objectives:  1) Identify trees for operational cone collection, 2) Monitor general condition and trend of WBP health, 3) Secure seed from genetically diverse population of WBP, 4) Gather seed for future planting needs in the Buckhorn EIS proposed burn areas with burns to be implemented approximately 2015-2024.

Acres/ha treated:  174 acres, 5 trees; Northwest Peak Genetically Diverse WBP area (T37N R36W portions of Sections 18,19,20 and T37N R34W portions of Section 24; Principal Montana Meridian, Lincoln County, Montana)


Planting? If so, source of seedlings? Resistance?  No planting

Outcome:  Due to a meager cone year we did not collect enough cones for an operational lot, but collected what we could. Small cone crops are expensive. We will attempt to collect again in the coming year(s).  Estimate 2 more years but depends on the cone crop – could be one year could be 3-4 years.

Found some excellent trees for cone collections by being able to do some thorough reconnaissance of this large area.  Used this project to teach YCC crew members about WBP habitat and conditions, TES status, Clark’s nutcracker, tree morphology, white pine blister rust, mountain beetle, and TI program.  Also applied verbenone to these trees while we were there.

Monitoring since completion of the project:  


Plans for future monitoring? 

Will outcome meet goals?  Partly – need to collect more cones to meet operational collection requirements.

Future actions/follow up:  Follow-up collection needed.

Miscellaneous comments:  Meager cone crop. Typical weather challenges at this high elevation site.


