2007 Fairy Lake Prescribed Burn Monitoring
Project: Fairy Lake Prescribed Burn Monitoring Attachment: PowerPoint
Agency/Forest or Park/District: Bozeman RD, Gallatin National Forest, Montana
Project coordinator: Jodie Canfield
Contact: Jodie Canfield-Ecologist, Gallatin N.F., 3710 Fallon, Suite C, Bozeman, MT. 59718. 406-522-2554 jecanfield@fs.fed.us
Cooperators: Dave Roberts, Ecologist, MSU.
Source of funding /amount: FHP: $3,000
Supplemental funding: $6,000 from Gallatin N.F. (NFVW)
Dates of restoration efforts:
Burn was monitored in August 2007
To complete an initial assessment of the effectiveness of a 160 acre RX burn completed in 2004 by establishing 15-20 plots and taking initial measurements as per the monitoring plan for the project. The objective of the burn was to mimic light to moderate ground fire to minimize the mortality of mature WBP, create Nutcracker’s cache sites for future regeneration of WBP, and reduce competition from subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce and Douglas fir.
Acres/ha treated
160 acres
A field crew would put in stand exam plots on every 10 acres to provide information on species composition, health, relative mortality and ground cover. Each plot would have a GPS location and photo point. Data would be entered as stand exams.
Planting? If so, source of seedlings? Resistance?
Yes, Coeur d’Alene nursery.
Project completed. Effects of fire were overwhelmed by white pine blister rust impacts. In 2010, we planted whitebark pine seedlings and put in a research plot to test various kinds of direct seeding. There was very low survivorship and very low germination rates.
Monitoring since completion of the project
Dates: September 2010; September 2013
Plans for future monitoring? None anticipated
Will outcome meet goals? Yes
Future actions/follow up?
The Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation members visited this site as part of their meeting in 2013. They recommended no further investment for whitebark pine on this site, as it is marginal habitat especially in light of climate change.
Miscellaneous comments:
We will continue to protect whitebark pine “plus” trees on this site.