2012 Chippy Creek WBP Planting

Project: Chippy Creek WBP Planting

Agency/Forest or Park/District: Plains/Thompson Falls RD, Lolo NF

Project coordinator:  Mike Mueller

Contact:  Mike Mueller  406 826 4353

Cooperators:  Past cooperators:  Kent Eggleston-Coeur d‟ Alene Nursery,  American Forest

Source of funding /amount

FHP: $9,000

Supplemental funding: $26,000 from American Forest (cost of growing the seedlings at the nursery)

Dates of restoration efforts

May-September 2012


To plant potentially rust resistant seedlings in the Chippy Creek Fire of 2007.

Acres/ha treated

50 acres


Identified the area and will plant 50 acres in the North Fork drainage in the Chippy Creek fire using the set of guidelines found in the Whitebark Pine Guidelines for Planting Prescriptions paper written by Glenda L. Scott and Ward W. McCaughey, 2006.

Planting? If so, source of seedlings? Resistance?

YES. The seed originated from WBP trees in areas that were exposed to the white pine blister rust within the seed zone.


The WBP did not get planted in 2012 fall due to the lack of ground moisture. The seedlings will be planted in 2013 spring.

Monitoring since completion of the project

            Dates    stocking exam in Sept. of 2013

            Plans for future monitoring?    These trees will receive at least two more stocking exams in the next 4 years to check on survival, health and competition pressure from other vegetation

Will outcome meet goals?

Yes, this planting had a first year survival of 98%

Future actions/follow up?

This planting will be monitored in the future for possible activities such as thinning, etc.