2007 Pistol WBP Restoration

Project:   Pistol Whitebark Pine Restoration

Agency/Forest or Park/District:   Cascade RD, Boise National Forest, USFS, Idaho

Project coordinator:  David Marben

Contact:  Keith Wilson, Forestry Technician, Cascade RD. PO Box 696, Cascade Idaho  83611

Cooperators: None

Source of funding /amount: FHP: $11,700     Supplemental funding: $ none

Dates of restoration efforts:  09/22/2008-09/25/2008


Release WBP regeneration from competing subalpine fir, lodgepole pine and/or Engelmann spruce regeneration.

Acres/ha treated

73 acres


All competing trees greater than two feet in height up to five inches DBH will be felled, and all trees between 5.1 and 8.0 inches DBH will be girdled. Felled trees would be lopped and those trees girdled would have all live branches below the girdling cut from the bole of the tree.

Planting? If so, source of seedlings? Resistance?



In October 2007, the Project was under contract and no work has occurred because of wildfires in the vicinity of the project area from July 18-Sept. 26 2007, at which time the public was not allowed in the area.  Upon review of the contract area it was found that approximately 25 acres were totally consumed by the fire.  Substitute acres adjacent to the original project have been found but snow has delayed further layout and traverse until spring–summer 2008 and the contract will resume at that time.

Monitoring since completion of the project

            Dates:  Unknown

            Plans for future monitoring?  Will try to do a walkthrough of the projectarea in the Summer of 2014.

Will outcome meet goals? 


Future actions/follow up? 

Possible walkthrough during the Summer 2014.

Miscellaneous comments: 

The person that planned and implemented this project has since retired and follow up documentation is unknown.